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a terrific tour of her pinkness!

Szofya Cox returns to our site for her seventh appearance and it’s a sizzling one! Posing first in her colorful baby doll top, black miniskirt, blue denim jacket and strappy black heels, she quickly flashes us the lacy blue thong nestled between her cheeks. Pulling that aside she treats us to the sight of her snug little asshole and tight shaved twat. Popping her tits out of her top, she then moves over to a bed to get even more comfortable. When she sticks her perfect butt in the air as she kneels on the mattress, it’s time to make ourselves a little more comfortable, too, and loosen our belts!! Szofya pulls apart her pussy and we see every juicy millimeter of her lady lips, then she stands up, takes off everything except her thong, and squats to display her veegee some more. She relaxes on the floor with a pillow under her head and gives us a terrific tour of her pretty pinkness! And we get some great pinup-style shots of her long legs too. Check out Szofya Cox and start your weekend right!

  • 00:16:22
  • Sep 09, 2011
  • 219


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