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her vegetable lovers

Meet a newcomer from Great Britain named Paige Turnah as she demonstrates the erotic uses of cucumbers and carrots. First she washes off the veggies, then she lifts up her miniskirt and starts sucking on a cucumber. She pulls aside her panties, parts her pussy lips with her red-manicured fingers, and quickly rams the green vegetable up her shaved twat. You’ll enjoy lots of intense closeups of the cuke going in and out of her pink slit. Then Paige presents us with her plump round butt and fucks herself with the cucumber doggie style, and if you blow up the shots on your computer screen, you’ll be able to imagine licking her asshole at the same time. Paige is really insatiable over her green vegetable lover, and kneels on the floor to fuck herself that way too, before taking out a carrot as well so that she can penetrate her hole with two hard shafts simultaneously. She licks her own juices off, then goes back to fucking herself again for the finale!

  • 00:33:18
  • Sep 18, 2011
  • 515


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