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panty crotch tease!

Check this out, panty lovers! Danielle Maye, that blond bombshell from the United Kingdom, returns for her seventh appearance on our site and gives us a great tease in her underpants. Oh, she gets out of them eventually and shows us her shaven pussy underneath, spreading it and fingering it, but what makes this set unusual is the amount of time spent on her flirting in front of us with her panty crotch panel (or “gusset” as it’s known in the UK). The panel gets slightly moistened by her inner juices, which makes it all the more exciting as it stretches tautly across the inviting core of her womanhood. As well as tantalizing us with her gusset, Danielle displays her 34D-25-36 body in a tight dress too, and so when she eventually strips that off it’s pretty hot as well. But if you are a connoisseur of women in panties, you will find this new pictorial and video a real collector’s item and want to download many of the shots for your personal archive!

  • 00:18:29
  • Sep 28, 2011
  • 196


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