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gasp at these marvelous melons!

One of our true Busty Legends, Joanna Bliss, returns for her 24th rockin’ appearance! This time Joanna’s rack is almost exploding out of a red dress. We get a lot of hot cleavage teasing as she leans over a chair outdoors, and then she takes down the dress to reveal her beauties in their black-and-red boulder-holder. Joanna poses her butt and thighs for us too, but of course we want her to keep the focus on those mams! Next Joanna leans against a tree and our DDF cameras shoot her from below so that she towers over us with those titties barely contained in the bra. Letting her dress drop to the ground around her ankles, Joanna then takes her knockers out and presses them together with her upper arms. Don’t you just love it when chesty girls hold their pretty manicured fingers just above their boobs, pressing their globes together like torpedos aimed at our mouths and dicks? We get some more back views of Joanna, but she’s only toying with us until she can turn around and present her tits once again, squeezing her nipples together, and hefting both hooters in her hands which seem small in comparison! Miss Bliss licks her boobies a little, but then gets back to the tease show and takes down her thong. She spreads her pussy a little but then resumes the heavy-duty cantaloupe show: holding those marvelous melons together almost as if she’s presenting them to us in 3D, making us feel they’ll burst through our computer screens and smother our faces and cocks!!

  • 00:20:12
  • Oct 02, 2011
  • 266


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