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champagne for the campaign!

My favorite kind of sex today as I spoil myself with the tongue and fingers of Sylvia Laurent and the long, hard dick of Thomas Stone! Now this is how we party Cherry style!In this scene we just got home from a little dinner at Mini, a great little restaurant on the Buda side of Budapest. Me and Sylvia were already fingering each other under the table and Thomas caught us and said Looks like you girls need more then a finger, how about Stone hard dick? Of course we said yes and before we knew it were at Sylvia s place and she s mowing down my muffin . She s got a great style, at almost seems like she dislocates her jaw because she is moving so fast and the pressure is still fully applied on my clit! I get the Stoning from behing and horny Sylvia makes sure his cock is lubed by pulling it out and sucking it here and there. Fucking on Sylvia s sheets is quite a joy too as we can slide all over them with ease! Sylvia perches herself on my face and I go to town on her mudfl

  • 00:23:45
  • Oct 06, 2011
  • 358


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