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her cuteness coaxes our cream!

Judy Smilz is so cute, and she gives further proof of it today as she poses on a bed in a pink satin camisole and thong. She lounges around, opening her thighs so we can see the smooth crotch of her panty, under which she slides her pink polished fingers. Judy looks so intently at the camera lens that you can really feel intimate with her as she tugs down her cami to show the big pencil-eraser-size nipples on her 32A titties. She takes down the cami and poses in her panties awhile, taking her time with our testicles as she gives us a friendly and extended tease. When she finally starts showing us her stuff, with her butt up in the air as her hands pry apart her cunny lips, you’ll just want to glom right onto her pinkness, which gleams in the light. With her panties puddled around her ankles, this Hungarian doll looks so sexy as she opens her flower wide and shows us her asshole too. Later she lays across the bed on her tummy, letting us enjoy the swell of her sweet bottom, so squeezable and spankable and fuckable!

  • 00:25:17
  • Nov 01, 2011
  • 177


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