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ready to please us!

Standing in a doorway in a minidress with ivory beige stockings and heels, Nicole Smith is the picture of sophistication with her long brown hair tumbling down across her shoulders. She looks like someone you just picked up at an afternoon cocktail party, and who whisked you away to her penthouse apartment after a couple of martinis. Nicole quickly gets down to the fun, peeling away her clothes and showing us her slender but curvy 32A-25-36 figure. She reveals a sweet shaved pussy and gets on her knees to display a round, very fuckable bottom. Laying across the red satin sheets, she looks into our eyes as she sticks her butt in the air, as if inviting us to get up there and spend the rest of the afternoon banging her doggie style! But as you’ll see, this Hungarian beauty is capable of many positions as she slides around the floor and bed, eager to please us in any way we might think of!

  • 00:13:38
  • Nov 04, 2011
  • 239


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