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a medley of toys for their twats!

Two of our hottest Czech babes Linet and Denisa decided to get into the adult toy business and unlike some other business traditions, in this case they need to try their own supply! After a quick observation of the different pleasure devices at their disposal, the girls get right down to the testing phase! Linet is the first willing participant and of course Denisa must see what the ease of use on her end is as well while she s massaging Denisa s clit and sticking her with a purple cactus shaped cooter caregiver! She demonstrates for us that our own tongues should also never be neglected before pumping the same toy in and out of Linet s tight bum hole. Various positions are demonstrated by the red haired honey until it s time for her to have some fun! The choice for Linet is a variably ribbed yellow dildo which seems to do the job for Denisa straight out of the gate! The girls are in their own bliss after a nice cumming and quite happy after they realize so many more toys to try yet!

  • 00:25:32
  • Nov 18, 2011
  • 210


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