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babe blows into the dawn horn!

Roxy wakes up to exploit Castor s dawn horn! Actually she was having a dream in which she was about to a big dawn horn to release the Kraken. Only in her dream the Kraken was more like a dude that was about to give it to her good rather then a mythological creature, so when she woke to find one was waiting for her she was full of joy!Sexy Roxy is one fine babe and to top it all off she likes to suck her man s cock to wake him up in the morning! Dawn horn, banana, ice cream cone, these are all things she dreams of, and when she wakes up, she s got it right there waiting for her! He must leave home with a smile on his face everyday!!! She takes turns sucking and tugging his long dick, licking his tip to enhance his enjoyment of her oral talents. He enjoys it very much and starts fucking her face by putting her into a jiu-jitsu grappling position and pounding away as she happily obliges him. She is masterpiece of a woman with perky 34 DD boobies and a super slick shaved peach, perfect for eating and sliding into. The action continues until Castor is ready to cum. Roxy being the sweet gal that she is makes sure she doesn t miss any of his DNA by catching it in an ashtray, before rubbing it over her firm body and pert titties!

  • 00:13:03
  • Nov 20, 2011
  • 142


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