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get ready for your massage!

Jordan Pryce returns for her second appearance on our site. This time Jordan is in a pink-and-white bustier, white cut-off shorts, and strappy high-heeled sandals. She gets comfortable on a massage table--to massage HERSELF this time, as it turns out! After teasing us with her 32F cleavage in the bustier, she slides off the garment as well as her shorts and pink panties, then reveals her shaved pussy underneath the tattoo of a heart. She lays a towel across the massage table, then stretches out on her back, posing almost like one of those pinup girls they used to paint on the sides of American B-17 Flying Fortresses in World War 2--although Jordan has fewer clothes than those pinups did!Jordan squeezes her huge knockers, then gets on her knees and shows us her butt. She gives us some more pinup poses full of her big bright smile and blonde blue-eyed cheerfulness. Then our DDF cameras get down on the ground and shoot up so that Jordan looms over us with those big boobs. One thing is clear--what gets massaged most with this pictorial and HD video are our lucky eyeballs by the soothingly stimulating sight of Miss Jordan Pryce!

  • 00:18:29
  • Dec 04, 2011
  • 195


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