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pianist takes a skin flute break!

Our sweet Hungarian honey Barbie Night recently decided to take some piano lessons. Little did she know, Greg Centauro a well known porn actor, was the substitute teacher that day and the only instrument he could teach her to play, was his skin flute!At first Greg tries to play it off that he is skilled in piano work, but the attraction is mutual and he gets his hands on her boobs pretty quickly. Pulling each succulent melon out one at a time for a tasting. This really heats Barbie up and she gets right down on her knees to wrap her lips around his skin flute. She does an incredibly good job for her first try and her melodic session is cum inspiring. It s not long before Greg decides to bury the skin flute into her hot, tight, shaven twat. After all, it does need to be lubricated after use for longevity. They nail each other in all kinds of good cowgirl and cowboy positions, but the doggy style takes the cake for the lesson. Session isn t over until Barbie toots into the flute one more time, and POW, she gets her dessert treat right before class is ending. Star student!

  • 00:33:19
  • Dec 07, 2011
  • 212


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