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this blonde is a work of art!

Gorgeous and glamorous Alexa from Hungary awaits us in a sophisticated bedroom where she first poses in an outfit that looks as if she’s ready for a night at the most exclusive club in town. Her snug but stylish clothes conceal an incredible 34B-25-36 body which she slowly reveals for our delight. Taking off her fur collar jacket, satiny blouse and silvery skintight slacks, Alexa shows us her red bra and panties which frost her delicious and tan figure. When she sticks her ass out over the top of those pants, you’ll hear the very cum churning in your nuts! Half out of her duds, Alexa kneels on the floor, still wearing her strappy heels and sticking her butt in the air. She looks deeply into our eyes as she runs a manicured fingertip across her pouty lipsticked mouth--then she heads over to the bed where she stretches out to give us even more incredible views of the shape of her world-class derriere. Sliding off the bed toward the floor, she gives an especially wonderful pose for Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews, a sensuous arrangement of her curves that proves a woman’s body can move beyond being mere flesh into an actual work of art.

  • 00:10:28
  • Dec 07, 2011
  • 194


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