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prescription: orgasm!

At DDF General Hospital, the busty nurses don’t treat patients, they just take care of themselves! Case in point, Paige and Sheila Grant, squeezing each other’s tits in the lowcut uniforms, licking cleavage and sucking nips. Sheila gets to taste Paige’s paps first, glomming onto her nubs. Then Paige takes out Sheila’s knockers and feels them up while licking Sheila’s ears and neck. Sheila gets Paige to lay back on an examining table, and she rubs her boobs against her friend s floppers and sucks both their nipples at the same time. Then Sheila climbs onto the table and straddles Paige, who reaches up to play with Sheila’s 36D bells. Sheila’s tits look so firm and tasty in Paige’s slender, well-manicured fingers that you’ll wish you could jump into the pix and HD video for a few sucks yourself!Sheila leans over and feeds her mams into Paige’s mouth, and we see Paige enjoying every inch of those swinging sacs. Then Sheila sits up and sucks on Paige from a different angle, while Sheila sucks on one of her own boobs. Paige takes down Sheila’s thong, sniffs it, then plays with Sheila’s pussy while sucking on her tits more. There is so much tit-sucking in this set, it’s unbelievable! The girls just can’t stop enjoying those gazongas. Finally a flesh-colored dildo makes its appearance, attached to some kind of automatic device. Ah, the miracles of modern medicine and science! Needless to say, orgasms are the order of the day as Paige guides that toy deeply into Sheila’s slot. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture all the cunny-stuffing action in closeups that will sizzle on your screen!

  • 00:30:06
  • Dec 20, 2011
  • 224


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