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bathtub finger show!

Hannah Hunter takes plays in the bathroom and we get to watch! Standing in the tub and showing off her delectable form, especially her amazing derriere, she bends over and fingers her pussy while sticking her ass in our faces. Then she rubs on some body lotion until her rear is gleaming and she fingers herself some more. She leans over the tub and we get more views of the sexy shape of her seat. Standing up, she rinses off with the shower attachment, then stretches out for the best shots, where the light sculpts her tan, curvy body against the white porcelain of the tub. Since she can’t stop fingering herself, she does a little more of that, and then she leans over in the doggie position so we can see her beautiful bottom one more time.

  • 00:19:21
  • Dec 21, 2011
  • 213


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