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celebrate the season with aria!

Aria Giovanni plays Santa and shows off a few of her gifts to light up your nuts! "Deck Your Balls With Squirts for Aria" might be the song to sing as you watch her pose in a two-piece Santa costume in front of a tree. But the gifts under the tree are no match for the glands in her red top, those 34D beauties that have graced many previous pictorials and HD videos on our site.Aria squeezes her squachies together, then hefts them out of the bra and presents her nipples to us in huge closeups. When she lifts her skirt we see that she has no panties on, and she parts her pussy lips so we can ogle a generous helping of the pink inside. But Aria knows what site she s on, and so she lays back in the pretty light and puts her forearms under her rack so we can see that fantastic bosom rest so invitingly under her friendly but sultry smile.She finally takes off her bra and rests it on top of the tree, then she continues to press her boobs together and tease us, frequently turning around to show off that hot butt, too! And if you love boots on sexy girls, you ll dig Miss Giovanni s sexy mid-calf red stiletto numbers. Rolling around on a blanket, Aria shows off those heels as well as her lush thighs and tempting tush. We even get some hot views of her smooth armpits, if you can dig that and we sure can!! All in all, Aria s Christmas Eve appearance will be one of your best gifts this year!!

  • 00:20:06
  • Dec 23, 2011
  • 274


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