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toy pulsates in her pussy!

Angel Hott returns as she tugs aside her minidress to reveal those perfectly luscious 38A titties and her shaved pink snatch. She gets out a big purple vibrator and sucks it while she’s still mostly in her clothes, rubbing it against her clit and then sliding it into her slot. Reclining on a couch, Angel fucks herself while looking at us with a serious, thoughtful expression, as if she’s wondering what effect all her exhibitionistic activity is having on our cocks. Maybe she wishes she could actually see all our dicks stiffen for her! Angel leans back and lets the toy pulsate in her pussy. Then she stands up and peels off her dress and shows us her ass, before getting back on the couch in doggie style and screwing herself with the vibe. Her butt certainly looks good as she pushes it toward us, and then after cumming on her dildo she spreads her legs wide and displays how pink her coochie gets after such a hot masturbation session!

  • 00:31:18
  • Jan 10, 2012
  • 200


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