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two tanned goddesses unite!

Euro girls on girls does it again with a scorching hot scene involving DDF starlet Dorothy Black and Raven haired babe Sarah lockin legs and bumpin their tasty snacks together for our pleasures, and theirs of course! Enjoy as these beauties let their passion and sensuality take over, and their daisy dukes shorts become a decoration in a sea of sexuality!Both girls look like they just came from an exotic vacation, tanned, toned, and purring like fine tuned automobiles. Their gorgeous tits receive delicate attention from hot wanting mouths, and their finely shaven peach pies get the digit and dildo treatment. Dorothy throws in a nice salad tossing for Sarah, and then pops on her lap for reverse cowgirl dildo ride displaying her gorgeous trimmed poontang for us to droll over, or relieve our aching balls! This babes put on a spectacular show. Go ahead, watch it over, and over again. Benefits of DDF membership!

  • 00:24:18
  • Jan 20, 2012
  • 198


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