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welcome to hooter heaven!

Give a big creamy welcome to newcomer Maserati -- because shes got the equipment to give a big welcome to YOU! This Jamaican-American beauty has got everything you need for a trip to Big Boob Heaven. As her debut set opens, shes in a black corselette and red bra and panties, and she shows herself off from all angles, her magnificent flesh spilling out of the top of her boulder-holder. She runs her tongue along her lips and teases us with her bright green nail polish both on her fingers and toes. Kneeling on the bed, she squeezes her cans together, then slowly unveils one nipple. She lets us admire her long legs as she rubs her jugs with her fingers, then she lays back and shows us both dark brown nipples as her tits sway in their heaviness across her torso.Laying on her stomach, Maserati gives us a nice view of her ass, sticking it in our faces so that we can see the red thong bright against her dark . Then she holds her bells with those green-tipped fingers while standing up and lea

  • 00:27:18
  • Feb 02, 2012
  • 306


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