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setting off hooter hunger!

Enjoy a taste of luxury as Brandy Talore returns to seduce us in an elegantly appointed room with red satin padded walls. Showing off her cleavage in a sheer black chemise, Brandy squeezes her knockers together so that we enjoy a bountiful vista of boob flesh that almost overflows the garment. Taking out her tits one at a time, Brandy encourages us to observe their 34DDD/E splendor while she plays with her pussy, tugging apart the pink.Next Brandy turns around on the beautiful antique-style chair she’s sitting in, and bends over to display her butt. She fingers her slit as we study her asshole. Then she sits back down and parts her cunny lips with one hand while she squeezes and lifts her knockers with the other. Getting down on the floor, she gives us a nice look at her extremely pretty black-and-white polka dot high heels, then she sucks on a dildo which she warms up between her knockers before sliding it down to her slit.Brandy looks constantly at us as she screws herself with the toy, her sultry eyes most expressive under her retro 1940s-style bangs. Our DDF cameras come in tight to show the green glass dildo moving back and forth in her luscious pink. Brandy then gets back up on the chair and hefts her hooters on her forearm while she fucks herself more with the toy.As the pictorial comes to a climax, Brandy stands up and backs into the red satin padded corner of the room, squeezing her bells together as she looks down at us with a mysteriously haughty expression, licking her lips as she presents her mountain range of mammaries before our eyes, almost daring us to lick our computer screens in awe and hooter hunger!

  • 00:16:36
  • Feb 05, 2012
  • 304


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