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wonderful eyes, mouthwatering body!

This raven-haired rose is outfitted in her favorite lingerie, colors of red and black, and she s here to tease us with a super hot show! After flirting with herself (and us!) in a mirror she stretches on the bed and tantalizes our testes with her gorgeous smile and oh-so-inviting blue eyes. She tugs aside her scanties to play with her nipples and show us her pussy, fingering herself with her French-manicured nails. Then she sucks on a long purple dildo that looks so good between her rich red lipstick before moving the toy down into her slot. Brook squats over the dildo too before positioning herself in the mirror and masturbating to a delicious cum. Then she teases in the doggy position with the vibe sticking out of her pussy as she crouches on the bed and waits for us to jump into the picture!!

  • 00:20:51
  • Feb 05, 2012
  • 244


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