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trials of the hardcore!

Zesty raven-haired starlet Rihanna Samuel get s ready to push it to the limits with this hardcore casting, prepping her for what s in store! She meets up with our guy J.J. for some testing out of the sexual equipment to see if she has what it takes to boost up a few notches in the adult industry. Let s kick back and enjoy this!Rihanna starts undressing sits back on the bed while J.J. pulls out his pecker and starts wiggling it about. Once the pink panties drop it s time to get down to business and J.J. goes for her gum drop nipples for a tasting! Then it s finger bang city as Rihanna s trimmed twat get s warmed up before the hot beef injection. Rihanna fucks the DDF camera lens with her eyes while twirling her clit in circles. Fuuuuu, she is something else! Then she gets on top of J.J. and works his dick like a demon, bouncing up and down while the shaft penetrates her slick, wet slit. Suddenly, she hears "Your hired!" and a big smile comes across her beautiful face!

  • 00:12:09
  • Feb 23, 2012
  • 224


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