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frisky fun in pantyhose!

Check out Isla and Danika in their pantyhose! With flowery tattoos running up the right side of her body, Isla is quite a contrast to Danika. Isla comes across Danika while she’s sleeping, and she sensuously wakes her up with kissing and fondling. Soon she takes off Danika’s tight jeans and reveals the Asian’s pantyhose, which spurs some fun spanking on that nice Filipina bottom. Then the girls kiss and clinch, with Isla’s hand running under Danika’s hosiery to grab some of that sexy ass. Danika takes down Isla’s tights and kisses her butt, then rubs Isla’s nylon-sheathed feet against her breasts before worshipping the toes and soles. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews get some great closeups of Danika as she indulges her taste for feet.Isla kisses Danika’s peds as well, enjoying the soles through her striped pantyhose. Then she tears Danika’s tights so that she can lick that pussy. Isla’s hosiery come off and Danika then goes to town on Isla’s tattooed feet, sucking the dark polished toes and licking the soles. The girls get down for a foot-69 until finally Danika comes up to Isla and enjoys her tits for awhile too, while Isla wraps her inked legs around Danika’s waist and pulls her in for a final smooch and hug.

  • 00:27:04
  • Feb 27, 2012
  • 243


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