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melanie s lovely lickable mound!

Melanie Memphis is one of the prettier girls out there and we have a beautiful new set of pix and HD video for you. She lays across a couch in her gray sparkly top, short skirt, panties, and strappy heels. After teasing us with her thong awhile, she licks two of her beautifully manicured fingers and slides them into her snatch. Then she stands up, tugs down her underwear, and we see her mound with its sexy sprinkling of closely trimmed pubic hair. Melanie sits back on the couch and wets a pink vibrator with her mouth, then sticks it into her lady hole. She lifts up her legs, spreads her thighs, and shows us how deep she can make that toy go! The sexiest shots of all come when she takes a break from the vibe, stands up, and we get a fantastic view of her plump pussy mound looking so lickable. Later she plays more with her cunny lips tugging them apart to reveal her pinkness before she squats on the dildo on the carpet.

  • 00:36:10
  • Feb 28, 2012
  • 212


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