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twat tasting in the tub!

When the lovely Gina B. and Peaches decide to take a bubble bath with each other, they put a whole new twist to the term "rub a dub dub in the tub". Get ready for some incredible cunnilingus, digit diving, nipple sucking, pussy licking good time ahead as the two tanned pop tarts devour one another as if they were incredibly tasty, edible treats!It all starts with Gin B. laying back on Peaches, having her firm, perky tits cupped, and her tight little trim massaged. Gina then sits at the edge of the tub for a little make out session and we get a glorious view of Peaches perfectly heart shaped derriere. Mmmm, could you imagine slipping into that? That s gotta be something else! Peches then get straight to work diving deep with her digits into Gina s luscious slit, and having a nice tasting of her sweet clit. Now it s Peaches turn as she takes Gina s tongue and fingers from the rear while her head is down and her ass is straight up in the air. Practically the downward dog yoga position ion the tub! Amazing flexibility. Camera angle here is pristine! The girls continue on with some face planting, and even use the water pressure in the shower head to massage their throbbing clits before toweling each other off. Tub time has never been better!

  • 00:14:43
  • Mar 09, 2012
  • 191


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