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the total tittie treatment!

Make room for a double helping of excellent udders as Paige and Sheila Grant join forces in a girl-girl lesbian massage and toy fest! Sheila is the “official masseuse” in this scenario, judging by her nurse’s gear. She starts out by applying a little therapeutic treatment to Paige’s 38F rack, kneading the knockers and licking the nips, rubbing oil into the fleshy mountains that the British redhead carries daily in her sweaters, dresses, and blouses. You’ll love the shots of Sheila scrunching her patient’s love loaves together, the nipples erect and ready for sucking. Sheila then applies a vibrator to Paige’s paps, thrumming it on the nipples and making them into harder little buttons. The vibe goes in between Paige’s cleavage, too. But then the redhead decides that Sheila has done such a good job she should be rewarded, and the tables are gently turned as Miss Grant’s uniform comes off, as well as her bra, so that her fabulous 36D Hungarian hooters are available to Paige’s hungry lips. We get some terrific shots as Sheila stands over Paige and lets the redhead glom on her goodies, lapping and flicking the nubs. Then it’s Sheila’s turn underneath the throbbing of the vibrator, but she returns to her sucking and enjoyment of Paige’s bosom too.Paige rubs the buzzy toy between Sheila’s bells, then moves it down to Miss Grant’s snatch. We see Sheila spread her lips so that the vibrating head of the toy can pleasure her clit. Paige convinces Sheila to lay back so that she can get even more pronounced treatment from the robo-phallus, and as Sheila feels up Paige’s jugs, she receives the quivering head of the vibrator on her cunny. It doesn’t take long for her to explode, and then the girls gratefully kiss each other at the well they should, for having such a good time together and sharing it with us!!

  • 00:21:02
  • Mar 16, 2012
  • 203


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