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what her crotch needs

Looking so cute in her blue denim cut-offs and tank top, barefoot Victoria Tiffani gets off the couch to start stripping down to her bra and thong. Slipping a vibe into her veeg, she tries to relieve herself of the pent-up tensions that build up hourly in her perky form. She writhes around on the couch in different positions, aching to achieve the release her crotch needs! Taking off her underwear completely and then posing her bottom toward our closely observing eyes, she finally realizes that what she truly requires is that buzzy shaft in her anus; so watch this Russian sweetheart as she squats on the blue unit and keeps it in her tush with her high-arched soles, finally putting a smile of satisfaction on her face!

  • 00:25:48
  • Mar 17, 2012
  • 367


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