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a butt you ll never forget!

Here’s a great way to start the new week! Katia Dé Lys pays us another visit after her sensational debut last February. This Cuban hottie has a mesmerizingly erotic butt that’s so monumental it should be put on a postage stamp or something! But before we get to fully enjoy it, Katia teases us as she peels out of her dark coat and pink lingerie, giving us views of her shaved pussy and 34D tits. If you like sultry ladies who keep their boots on, you’ll especially enjoy this set because even as Katia stands over our DDF cameras and poses that awe-inspiring posterior, she keeps on her calf-high kicks. Wisely, our lensmen give our eyeballs a heaping helping of that high firm heinie, or "culo" as it’s called in Spanish. When Katia looks down at us with a cunning little smile on her face, presenting her naked cheeks to our hungry mouths and drooling eyes, well, if you don’t start stroking, you’re made of stone!! But just in case you need further prompting to pull thy pud, Katia spreads her buns, lets us admire her asshole, and then shoves a big toy in her delectable clam too!

  • 00:21:17
  • Mar 18, 2012
  • 258


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