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pleasuring her pretty pie!

Bella Baby pays us a visit, showing off her friendly smile and blue eyes even as she lets us enjoy her lithe 32B-23-33 body. Bella starts out in a leopard print minidress and matching panties, and she arranges herself on a red egg-shaped chair that she can curl up in to show off her legs as well as her pussy. We love her spiky high heels with mary jane straps across her insteps; exactly the kind of shoes that look both seductive and innocent at the same time! Which is the way Bella is as she poses, looking one moment like the blonde girl next door of everyone’s dreams, and the next like a dildo-cramming hottie who can’t wait to get off in front of the world via the Web. Bella strips down and takes out a large toy with which she quickly stuffs her eager shaved slit, then licks her juices off the dildo with her pierced tongue. But some of the shots we love the most simply show her sliding her French manicured fingers into her pretty pie!! The operative word is YUMMY!!

  • 00:17:54
  • Mar 20, 2012
  • 221


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