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worship her wonderful shape!

Teena Lipoldino is very striking in her new set and makes an extremely memorable impression! This twenty year old Russian is 5’11” in her bare feet, and when her red-polished high-arched feetsies are slipped into four inch heels as they are in this new appearance, WOW! She’s almost a giantess! We get some great glamour shots of her posing her shapely stems as she stands against a wall, then she lays across a bed and flashes her pink panties while thumbing through an art book. When she slips her fingers under the panties, we see a wet and ready pussy that men would line up around the block to lick! (And more than a few women would get in that line, too!) Taking off her minidress and panties, Teena gives us a full show of that delectable slit and tempting anus; then she stands up again against the wall, and we get more glamour shots of her wonderful shape, a narrow waist and curvy hips that truly are the configurations of a goddess who walks among us! Then you can watch her satisfy herself with her fingers, and cum buckets like we did!

  • 00:12:34
  • Mar 21, 2012
  • 216


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