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towering tittie tandem!

The PPP (Polish Powerboob Patrol) is here to entertain us as the veteran Kora and her 36DDD/E’s are joined by her newbie countrywoman Vanessa and her 34DD’s. The formula is classic in its simplicity: two incredibly stacked babes, two pairs of well-stuffed bras and flesh-packed panties, and a bed! Vanessa quickly does what many of us yearn for: to lift up Kora s colossal cantaloupes in her hands, to caress, lick, and savor them in all their heavy hooterosity.Kora quickly returns the favor and her mouth and hands are well-rewarded to enjoy Vanessa’s shapely sacks. Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews come in tight to show all the details of the ladies’ lustful lovemaking, as Kora kisses Vanessa’s back, squeezes her knobs, and rubs her rump at the same time. When you’re confronted with someone like Miss V, you gotta multi-task!!Kora takes down Vanessa’s panties, then rests her two knockers, like boobie loaves, right on the redhead’s butt. Then she laps at Vanessa’s very hairy pussy, before moving up to suck both of Vanessa’s nipples at the same time. Kora enjoys the firm beauty of Vanessa’s tummy as she works her way down to the gal’s bush again, but then she gets up, leans over Vanessa’s face, and lets her jugs sway into the redhead’s lips. Of course, Kora’s body offers a menu of delights, and so she eventually relinquishes her dominant position to stretch out and let Vanessa take down her panties and lick her pussy in the doggie position. Vanessa sniffs Kora’s underpants, and then it’s glass dildo time as Vanessa fucks Kora’s cleavage with the toy before sliding it into her friend’s also hairy hole. The proxy prick is a double dong, so Vanessa can suck on one end while banging Kora with the other.Kora takes over the toy, fucks Vanessa’s furry veegee with it, and then the ladies settle down onto the dong, each taking one end as they writhe on the bed together, their knockers swaying and shaking as they explode on the ribbed glass phallus!

  • 00:27:21
  • Mar 27, 2012
  • 387


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