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chasing an orgasm!

Viktoria Diamond looks like she’s digging for orgasmic gold in her pussy on as she crams herself full of fingers! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First this sweet blonde stands before us in a very pretty flower-print frock, which she then pulls aside to show us her orange bra and panties. Under that fabric crotch is a pussy flower almost as bright as any on the pattern of her dress, moist and ready to be pleasured by its owner! Viktoria jams herself with her digits, priming herself for more before taking off her clothes completely except for the panties and black high heels. Leaning back with a smile against the pillows, she masturbates herself intensely, looking at us while rubbing her fingers against her lips and backdoor. Then she gets into the doggie position and penetrates herself with her tush up in the air, before switching to the floor where she finally seems to find the right position to get herself off.

  • 00:07:12
  • Mar 30, 2012
  • 186


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