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blowjob from the bush queen!

One of our favorite Hairy Twatter harlets is back and she s raunchier then ever as she meets up with her guy Dillon once again. Of course its the one and only Victoria Rush that I m speaking of, the big titty blonde that sports a nice furry bush and sucks cock like a banshee! Dillon brings her a surprise gift of her favorite perfume to make her a bit more ambitious, and your about to see exactly what that small gesture of gratitude unleashed!Ms. Rush gets to gobbling down her man s meat and potatoes with a thank you blowjob that goes down in the record books. Gagging and deep-throating his salami sausage while intermittently jerking it and sucking his nuts. She gives his rocket the double G.I. Jane kung fu grip and with rotating twists while sucking the tip then smacks herself in the face with the meat stick, loving every second of her hot meal. When Dillon can hold on no longer he squats on our hairy honeys face as she teabags his nuts and fucks her mouth until he s ready to give her a second gift of hot sticky cum, right in the kisser! Then Victoria decides she wants to try on her perfume with the cum still dripping from her mouth and she finds the perfume is empty, Doh!

  • 00:13:31
  • Apr 13, 2012
  • 173


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