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prowling her way into our pants!

Knock out Hungarian bombshell Roxy Panther in a casting that will have you so revved up you ll be watching all of her sets, and draining yourself of all bodily fluids. Be warned!She s already been rockin the DDF sets for some time now, but this is a glimpse into her very beginnings in front of the lens. She s cum a Looooong way since then! Roxy tells us here that she loves guys and prefers cock over pussy any day. Though if you go into her archives, you ll see that were able to persuade her into enjoying some of the best food on earth. Yep, you guessed it, good ole pussy pie! Anyways, back to the mission at hand, Roxy takes her bra and panties off in a hurry and that body is just Rrrrrockin! Perfect breasts, a booty that s built for pounding, and her juicy snatch is unreal! She s so shy and innocent here, but she warmed up to the business really well. Just check out all of her sets and see the Panther story unfold!

  • 00:08:28
  • Apr 15, 2012
  • 172


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