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art versus masturbation!

Were back with Madlin in part 2 of her set from last week. This time we have to wonder what she was painting on that canvas that made her so horny! After brushing pigment all over herself, she gets even more serious here after glancing at her uncompleted picture while drinking a cup of coffee!Soon shes fingering her paint-spattered crotch and masturbating up a storm, until finally she turns for stronger assistance from a couple of heavy-duty brushes. Shes not satisfied just cramming her clam, however; her asshole gets plenty of attention too, especially when she slides a brush handle right into her butt. Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews move in tight to capture the action and you cant help but wonder if Madlin is intent on giving up art for masturbation. Or maybe this is just part of the creative experience? How many orgasms does it take to make a masterpiece?? Judging by her high level of arousal, it looks like Madlin is on track for a magnum opus!!

  • 00:31:40
  • Apr 24, 2012
  • 160


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