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taking your cock for a joy ride!

For all of you who saw Kelly in action just a short week ago when she put the strawberry sundae back on the map, your in for a little treat today! Her casting. This Green eyed starlet is a Czech babe that you can bet we ll be spilling loads over for days to cum! Kick back with a beer, or some lotion, and let her take your libido on a joy ride!Kelly starts out pretty chilled, almost giving us the impression that she doesn t like to fuck, but when she gets going in this casting, it turns into cock cram city! First she takes it in doggy position, which she claims is her favorite, and after a slow start, she backs that caboose of hers up on George at a nice pace, wiggling her hips and moaning with pleasure. Then se hopes on his hose for some reverse riding. Her sweetly shaven pussy looks perfect while its being skewered on meat, and her little playboy bunny tattoo adds that extra little boost our balls need before they blow. We gotta see more of this babe, I think you ll agree!

  • 00:07:21
  • May 03, 2012
  • 138


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