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lucy serenades the skin flute!

Scorching little grey eyed diva Lucy Bell from the Czech Republic rocks out with a wicked blowjob casting that is sure to solidify her a regular spot at the DDF Network! A sexy strip tease to display her curvy and oh so fuck-able physique is the prelude before her head get s to bobbin and Steve Q s eyes get to rolling to the back of his head! Lots of suction action to the tip of Steve s dick coupled with ball flicking and sucking, before a quick pose into doggy position while slurping so we can see that fine, heart-shaped ass. Lucy is a natural and you get the feeling that she really loves her steak and potatoes! For more on Lucy be sure to check her profile out on DDF Network where she s getting into all kinds of naughty situations!

  • 00:07:33
  • May 10, 2012
  • 136


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