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stripping on the staircase!

Vanessa Jordin greets us on a stairway in a fetching black leather skirt and sheer black top. She looks ready for a night on the town, but instead she’s going to give us a hot tease show!Sitting on the stairs, she spreads her legs so we can see her black lace panty crotch. Then standing against the wall, she displays her shapely legs on backless heels. She sits back down and tugs aside her underwear so we can study her smooth shaved slit. Crouching on her knees on the stairs, she lowers her panties and sticks out her butt, which looks very kissable indeed. You’ll love the closeup shot from behind and below, which shows her peach of a pussy nestled underneath the plump cleavage of her ass cheeks. Leaning against the wall again, she rubs her pussy as the cameras come in for tight closeups. Then Vanessa peels down her top and shows her very lovely titties, and gives us a sweet smile goodbye as she coyly covers up her nipples as if she wants us to jack off to the memory of those nubs!

  • 00:13:54
  • May 11, 2012
  • 210


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