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sweet pink pussy pocket!

Victoria Blaze shows up in a black-and-white animal print bra, beige heels, and a pink petticoat! Sitting at the piano, she slips off the petticoat and displays her butt in her sweet lacy full-back panties. Flashing her panty crotch at us, she then bends over at the piano as she takes off her bra and flirts with her bare titties before finally showing us her nips.She lets us see her pink little pussy pocket once she slides the underpants down, and then she gets out a glass dildo and lubes it up with her mouth. She rubs it against her clit, but it quickly becomes obvious that the intended destination is her derriere, and she plunges it deeply into her rosebud as she spreads her veegee wide with her pink-polished fingers. Nice way for Victoria to start her week...and ours!

  • 00:16:26
  • May 13, 2012
  • 262


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