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baby sitter and mr. thick dick!

Dan Potter from Hairy introduces us to his babysitter today! Get ready for a hot and hairy solo scene starring Candy Sweet from Bulgaria and her robot co-star the Sybian! The scene opens up with a little introduction and a quick stripping down to show off Candy s goodies which are mouthwatering to the extreme! Candy squats right onto Mr. Thick Dick (Our robot buddies nickname ) and were then treated to a three angle view as Thick Dick gets to fuckin. The eye contact Candy treats us too while she s getting her juicy snacker vibro-ed is absolutely amazing, and all the while she rubs her clit and tits for extra stimulation while the machine gyrates inside her furry little pussy at multiple speeds. The power then gets pumped up and Candy really gets to knockin boots on that saddle till she cums hard. We have a feeling Mr.Thick Dick has got himself a new girl after all is said and done here. Hairy Twatter style!

  • 00:11:32
  • May 18, 2012
  • 316


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