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looking sweet and tasty! [part 1]

Tracy Gold is back for her fourth appearance , and this blue-eyed Hungarian cutie looks sweeter and tastier than ever! We love her bright multi-colored off-the-shoulder top, and her denim miniskirt really shows off those amazingly long legs. Tracy shifts around on the couch, flashing the vivid yellow of her panty crotch, but the camera keeps coming in for closeups of her face too, and we certainly can’t blame the photogs--she has such a nice face, reminding us a little of Candy Clark in the famous 70s movie American Graffiti!We get glimpses of the Gold titties through the sleeve of her blouse, just as Tracy diverts our attention to her snatch by tugging aside her panties. What a nice little lawn of pubes she has right above her slit! Tracy keeps stripping, but slowly, letting us enjoy her pert 34A boobies and her round, trim butt; then she sits back on the couch, tugs her scanties all the way off, and we get to feast on her total nudity while she sniffs her underpants! What a delectable doll.

  • 00:32:34
  • May 23, 2012
  • 183


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