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vanessa s bit o tease!

Vanessa Jordin pays us a visit, alluring in her blue velveteen minidress and strappy black heels. She gives us her sexiest come-hither smile and then peels down the dress to reveal her blue animal-print bra and panties. We get a lot of nice cleavage shots as she uses her upper arms to push her tits together in the bra, then she leans over and shows us her butt. Sitting in a chair, it’s then time to explore her pussy slit with a black mini-vibe, which she licks and runs over her nipples and panties. She tugs aside the crotch of her thong and rubs the vibe against her pouty mound, and then she drops the thong lower and does a very sexy pose of the thong stretched between her ankles over her red-polished toes. On the chair again, she gets in the doggie position to stimulate herself with the vibe, and we get to enjoy the sight of her very round butt. Then things conclude as she stands in front of us covering her nipples for one last bit o’ tease!

  • 00:24:51
  • May 29, 2012
  • 199


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