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gigantic, firm, unforgettable!

Sexy Polish Honey Kora returns to our site with her amazingly huge but firm knockers! Practically bursting out of her pink halter top, this Polish temptress shows off the long valley of her cleavage as our DDF cameras click away from many angles, capturing her from above and below--whatever it takes to showcase that startling rack to best advantage! Kora sticks her ass at us too, so we can indulge in a little butt-worship to mix in with the tittie adoration! The green-eyed vixen peels down her halter and reveals that shes got a pink semi-transparent boulder-holder underneath through which her brown nipples provocatively peek! Her matching panties are semi-transparent as well, and we observe that shes got a most unusual feature these days: a hairy pussy! But theres time enough to see that, when she continues to tease us with her enormous jugs while peeling down her skirt and letting it puddle at her high heel-shod feet. Sitting over us, pressing her fingers with their vividly talon-l

  • 00:23:37
  • Jun 03, 2012
  • 262


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