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saluting the team!

Continuing our celebration of the UEFA Euro 2012 soccer tournament in Poland and Ukraine this month, we have Bianca from the Czech Republic dressed in her team’s uniform. Of course, nothing should cover the 36C-25-37 beauty of this sultry blonde for long!After balancing her foot on the ball for awhile, she wisely lifts up her shirt, showing those lovely boobs with their light brown nipples. Lowering her shorts, she lets our eyes feast on her butt, which is graced with that classical sign of beauty above her cheeks--two sacral dimples. Posing with the ball some more--continuing to salute her home team, which will play Greece today--Bianca gives us a lot of pretty pinup-style poses that show off her assets well. After resting that butt on the ball a bit, she then spreads her legs this way and that, displaying her pinkness, before standing up to pose with the ball above her head as well as to lean over on the floor and stick her lovely bottom at us!

  • 00:16:59
  • Jun 11, 2012
  • 164


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