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born to be anal!

Some girls take their time working up to the anal experience, whether in life or in modeling...but the amazing newcomer Gina goes for the gluteal gusto right away as she peels aside her purple panties and quickly slides a big fat pink plug up her bottom! And it stays in there throughout her scene as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for a young lady to wear. With her posterior stuffed, she can concentrate on her pussy, sliding her fingers inside the pink. As the young Russian beauty turns this way and that on the bed, we also get some sexy views of her bare size 6 feet. And amazing closeups reveal just how much her rosebud is stretched by the nasty girth of the toy. Gina takes off her lingerie completely and keeps showing off her crotch, with the plug firmly inserted as if it’s meant to be in there forever! Our girl smiles and poses her long bare legs widely spread apart, then masturbates her snatch some more before slowly removing the ass invader and giving it a big lick and suck goodbye!

  • 00:26:17
  • Jul 03, 2012
  • 452


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