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inspect her crotch!

Bianca returns for her fourth appearance looking very sultry in her black dress with its see-through top. Showing off her sensual long legs on spiked heels, the Czech hottie unzips the back of her garment to give us a peek at her butt. Then she sits down and opens her gams, revealing that she’s not wearing panties. Spreading her shaved flower, she then turns around and leans over, giving us a great doggie style pose that lets us inspect every millimeter of her charming crotch.Taking out a sleek black vibrator, she stands over us and stimulates her clit, then slides the bullet-like toy into her hole. Leaning back in the bright red, futuristic chair, she splays her snatch and then crams it with the vibe as our cameras come in closer for all the penetrating action! Turning around, Bianca lets it buzz in her box as she bends over in the doggie position before giving her toy a final lick goodbye!

  • 00:19:38
  • Jul 10, 2012
  • 192


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