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in her big boob spell!

It’s hard to believe it’s been eleven months since Jaye Rose and her incredible tits graced our site, so we’re glad to have her back and driving us crazy with that curvy 36DD-26-36 bod from the United Kingdom! Jaye hits the ground running in her boulder-holder and her blue denim short-shorts, giving us good cleavage tease and then showing off that super butt as well. Jaye takes down her shorts and poses in her skyscraper black pumps and lingerie for a bit, then she removes the bra for our pleasure. Squeezing her tits together with her forearms, she looks at us with that sexy skeptical “how much can one man jerk off so much?” expression in her face, which Jaye does so well.Our dear Miss Rose, this is the story: you are so hot we CAN T stop stroking! If you’re going to show us your shapely hips and your smooth tummy and your pink nippled titties and raise your eyebrows at us like a schoolteacher catching a pupil in class with a dirty book, well, we’re just going to keep masturbating all the more!! And if you’re going to show us your bare butt as you do here, and then spread your pussy lips and let us see inside your snatch, and then on top of that cram a pink vibrator into your box, well, Miss Jaye, we are going to be pumping our pork until the cows come home and the fat lady sings! You’ve got us in your big boob spell!! And excuse us as we take a break from typing this paragraph to fire off one more load over those doggie style shots with the vibe peeking out of your pussy and the sides of your boobies rubbing against the cushions!!

  • 00:18:51
  • Jul 15, 2012
  • 347


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