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lick it up, girl!

When Miranda suggested a little strip poker with Ruka, she knew the odds were Ruka’s favor. Because she knew she was not a good player at all! On the other hand, maybe the odds actually depended on one’s point-of-view. Since Miranda had heard that Ruka had a rockin’ cock, she was kind of happy that he was going to beat the clothes off her in their little maybe the odds were stacked in HER favor after all! Because with each garment that fell by the wayside, she came closer to her goal of experiencing that Ruka rod, rumored to be rich with randy raunch potential! Because Miranda loved the raunchy feeling that sucking a cock gave matter how many women s magazine articles she read saying that oral sex was "natural," she preferred to think of it as kinky, dirty, sleazy, and yes, raunchy! Almost naked, down on her knees in front of him, she slid Ruka very deeply into her mouth, and when she let his meat out, it was glistening with the wetness of her adoration. Wow, how she loved to rub her tongue along the head and then take it back into her lips, juicing it with her saliva and letting it come close to the back of her throat. Laying across the table, she felt extra-raunchy as Ruka angled his roger down into her face, squeezing her tits at the same time...she couldn’t get enough of that prick! But Ruka played one final little variation on their game. He didn’t just shoot his stuff into her mouth...oh no! He made her kneel at the edge of the table and watch while he squirted his seed across the glass top. “Lick it up, my sweet little doggie girl!” Did Ruka actually say such a nasty thing, or was it all in her mind? Sometimes her need for raunch made her imagine the horniest things!

  • 00:16:20
  • Jul 22, 2012
  • 251


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