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lots of latvian lesbian lovin’!

Beata Undine and Lily came to us from Latvia just recently and we brought them two together to see what kind of sparks would fly. Well, we had no idea what kind of treat we were in for! Both were looking lovely laying on the bed in their lingerie, Beata studiously working on a crossword puzzle, Lily reading a magazine…but not just any magazine. She’s reading Playboy and getting naughty thoughts in her head. She turns to Beata to show her a pic that she likes and Beata’s reaction is one of shocked innocence. But once Beata’s glasses come off, the true nasty girl inside comes out. They start sensually kissing each other, running their hands across each other’s bodies, and then Beata just goes for it. She hungrily goes for Lily’s voluptuous tits and beautifully large nipples, and goes down on Lily’s shaved pussy, lapping away at her pretty pink lips like a dog dying of thirst. To show just how nasty she really is, Beata takes Lily’s g-string and brings them to her nose and mouth to soak in her juices, and then has Lily do the same. Beata turns things up another nastier notch when she brings out a dildo and vibrator. Erotic background music comes on and it’s as if you’re watching a beautiful art film as you watch bodies undulating, pussies being penetrated, masturbation wonders, and faces in orgasmic delight. Oh those Latvian ladies know how to do it right!

  • 00:32:06
  • Jul 27, 2012
  • 254


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