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every scene a treasure!

Teena Lipoldino is an amazing Russian beauty, and here’s more of her to enjoy for her fifth appearance on our site. Every visit from Teena is a treasure, and in particular it s a great way to start a new month! Teena tempts us in her white minidress, provocatively posing her long shapely stems and then letting us feast our peepers on her great ass. Check out some of the shots of the curve of her narrow waist and the slope of her sensual tummy--you’ll spurt right away!But Teena is only getting started, as she peels down her bra and panties to let us revel in her nude nipples and revealed asshole. Reclining on a chair or bending over on her knees, she plays with her pussy with her fingers, their nails polished tomato red. Teena then takes out a carrot-colored vibrator and caresses her body all over as she sucks the toy and primes it for her snatch. She crams the vibe deep into her slit and our DDF cameras capture vistas of doggie style splendor. And don t miss the shot where she’s laying on her tummy on a piano, her legs kicked up behind her like a classic pinup girl!

  • 00:22:51
  • Jul 31, 2012
  • 210


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