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she keeps the loads coming!

Danika from the Philippines is back for her fifth appearance on our site on, and it’s a good way to kick off the weekend! This 34C-23-33 beauty is clad in a snug and alluring black top and matching black miniskirt, along with strappy black heels. She really shows off the shape of her body in the clothes, especially those long legs, and then she tugs up the hem to reveal her shaven pussy! Wow, does it ever look delectable, that smooth little slit peeking out at the top of her thighs. If the scene ended with those shots, it would be enough to blow a load, but Danika keeps us going, tugging apart her butt cheeks and showing us her tits. Her long dark tresses tumble gorgeously along her back, and her big eyes peer at us with sensual invitation. She spreads her snatch wide with her red manicured fingers, and oh brother that pink looks so glowingly tasty between her brown lips! Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews have really captured the powerful allure of this provocative young lady.

  • 00:17:30
  • Aug 03, 2012
  • 231


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